
When browsing and using this website, please pay attention to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information.If the transaction dispute arises privately without the guarantee of HUIDU (www.huidu.io), HUIDU (www.huidu.io) will not be responsible. Any organization or individual should not modify or illegally use the content of this website in any way. In addition, you agree not to impersonate any person or entity and not falsely state or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.

Fraud Prevention Reminder

1、Please carefully verify the identity and business qualifications of the counterparty before contacting resource services. Do not trust cheap offers and promises easily.

2、Any behavior of impersonating an official staff member to request prepayment or payment may involve fraud risks. Please be vigilant.

3、The HUIDU platform does not intervene in any transaction process. Please be cautious during the transaction to avoid losses.

4、If you encounter fraudulent activities by someone impersonating a HUIDU staff member, please contact us immediately to verify and report it. If it is confirmed, the account will be permanently banned.